
Oscillate:Os'cill|ate, v.i. & t. swing like a pendulum, move to & fro between two points.

OSS - Operations Support Solutions.

Elate', v.t., & a. 1. Inspirit, stimulate, (esp. in p.p.); make proud. 2. adj. (arch.). In high spirits, exultant, proud. So ela'tion n.

The operations processes of a service provider are extremely visible to their customers. Every slow response, every need to have them adjust access settings, every error in database translation is examined by unforgiving users. Customers who have no reason for loyalty other than the reliability of the service.

What better reason for remaining, than to have no wish to go, no evidence of loss of control; a constant, responsive, cost competitive service performing to expectation: like the perpetual and reliable swing of the pendulum and the familiar tick of a favourite clock.

Operations processes are the blueprint, and operations support systems are the enabler, of efficient and reliable operations support solutions.

OSSelate provide OSS knowledge, skills, tools and resource to inspire OSS vendors, OSS systems integrators and service providers to build reliable operations support solutions which they will be proud to have their customers depend upon.

OSSelate - Operations Support Solutions...
...to inspire.


Designed by Adam Kirkham :: OldBean Creations :: 2002